Monday, June 26, 2006

In other news...

I’ve gotten a lot of news in the last 2 days. I have congratulations and a prayer request.

First up, I received an e-mail from the minister at my church in B’ville this morning. I haven’t been since coming to Norman, and I am apparently totally out of the loop, since I haven’t had a church paper or anything. Our minister had a seizure on June 7th, and had a brain tumor removed on June 14th. He was allowed to return home on the 18th and will be going in for 6 weeks of radiation, 5 days a week. Please pray for David, his family, the doctors and our congregation.

My buddy Kara had a baby yesterday morning. She was due last week and was set for an induction Tuesday if her little girl didn’t come on her own. Viviane Adele was born at 8:17am, at 9lbs 3oz., and 23 inches long. She has a head full of brown hair. Kara is doing well. The funny thing was that she called to tell us she had had her and we were at the hospital too. Jonathan and I were just in for my last NST and my pre-op, but it just seemed funny.

As I am not sure if I can get my laptop working well enough to dial in from the hospital blogging with info may be light or none at all for the next week (our desktop is fried at home, so we may just have nothing for a bit). We’ll see. I’ll update about the boys when I can.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The end and the begining

Part of the adventure is about to come to an end; then again the real adventure begins then.

I went in for my pre-op today and my c-section is scheduled for noon on Tuesday and I am supposed to be at the hospital at 10:30 for surgery prep.

I am not allowed to eat or drink after midnight. I understand why, but telling a pregnant woman she isn’t allowed to eat or drink is mean, especially when she’s been drinking 10 glasses of water a day, 3 Boost Shakes and eating all day for months.

I’m glad we are almost done; the babies are trying to push out through the front of my stomach. I’m definitely more uncomfortable then my last 2 pregnancies and I am very ready for Tuesday.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

My brother

Jackson has a language and understanding that is all his own. Of course he’s almost 2 ½, so I can’t expect much more.

Here are some totally Jackson references:

My brother-this is what he calls himself, he will not say Jackson (any picture he sees he refers to himself as My Brother).
Sis-He refuses to say Victoria, she is Sis
Auda-My mother’s name is Audra and Victoria refers to her as Grandma Audra, until this last week ALL grandmothers were “Auda”. He is now referring to the others as Grandma (or Gamma), but mom is still Auda.
Cuck-He combines car and truck and refers to all vehicles as cucks.
Cacker-This is what he call a tractor.
My Shell-He calls my sister Michelle My Shell, now many of the names of family members have had My added to the front. My Auda, My Annie (Ann Dee), My Sis, My Brother.
Hi Seek-He is 2, I am having 2 babies, he is really good at the number 2. He likes to play Hi Seek (Hide and Seek). When he counts he gets to 3, then you say 4, he says Fi-Sic (5,6) and then all other numbers are 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.

Jacksonisms are fun. I wish I had a list of some of Victoria’s. My main memory of a Victoriaism was the word “Prenda”. She was almost 2 and she made up the word and she used it with her hands on her hips as a little kid cuss word (or insult we weren’t sure), it was very snotty and you knew when she said it, it wasn’t good.

It’s always something with the kids.

On the baby front we are officially in the last week of pregnancy, if I go into labor okay and if I don’t I am scheduled for Tuesday. With as well as the anti-contraction med is working, I should be able to wait (it’s stalled me for 4 weeks, why not 5). I ordered the stroller today and it should come while I’m in the hospital. Since the seats will recline all the way back I should be able to lay the little guys down in it, until they can sit up a bit. I should be able to take a few walks when we get home.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How evil are you?

I was on Scott’s blog and he had a link to this guiz.

You Are 44% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

I’m not as evil as I’m guessing I once was. I found the question, “Have you ever shot a gun and liked it?” funny. I don’t just like shooting guns I love it.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

What's going on.

What a wild day yesterday was. My baby girl is 6. That sounds so old. I’ll post pics here and in the album when we get home, since my software isn’t playing well with mom’s computer. She had a good day. I didn’t get to see her awake until around noon. I had another NST, which then led to another ultrasound and then a hair cut and color (which I desperately needed). When I got home we gave her, her BIG present. We bought her a set of drums at Toys R Us. Yes, I know we have babies coming and drums in the house may seem like a bad idea, but honestly as long as she is drumming and not just crashing the cymbals, I’m okay and she is very understanding of not playing when people are sleeping, or on the phone, or just when you say not now. She’s pretty good and so is Jackson. We ate at Hideaway Pizza (her choice) and came back and had cake and let her open the rest of her gifts. Her cake was very cool. My mom has a bear cake pan (the bear is sitting upright), so Victoria had a sitting Panda Bear cake. She was so thrilled and she got to play with the icing while mom was icing the cake.

Today I did something different. I got to be in pictures for someone’s photography portfolio for maternity shots. It was a neat experience, and not something I had thought of doing. I tried to be a total team player and told her I was game for anything and some of the shots she took were really cool. I was really glad I was able to help, and I can’t wait to see what she took.

Victoria is off again this next week. She is going to stay with her Aunt Sarah in Tahlequah. Sarah is brave (and so is her husband); she is taking all of the nieces and nephews for 3 days and 2 nights. Well, she isn’t taking all of them, I am keeping Jackson, if he was a year older and potty trained, I think I’d send him. Currently he is just too much of a 2 year old and all of the kids are older (except her youngest), I think she’d spend more time putting out his fires then getting to play and hang out with the rest of the kids. I hope they have a blast.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Father's Day

Okay, so Father’s Day is Saturday, and of course it has been all along. I never forget Father’s Day, because it’s always the Sunday after or the Sunday of Victoria’s birthday.

I’m letting Jonathan be more involved in his gift selection this year and he hasn’t made a decision. We have discussed a nice new weight bench (we both want/need this), a recliner; I’ve debated the standards like cologne, or work clothes (a new suit) and casual clothes. He hasn’t decided what he wants and I haven’t come up with any great ideas. The recliner would have won out, but now he’s debating whether he wants theater seat recliners and to turn our living room into a theater or just a recliner. Even then he wants to have some idea of future living room furniture ideas. He’s not huge on the whole decorating thing, but he wants good colors on the walls and furniture that goes with those colors and together.

He was nice enough to let me pick my Mother’s Day gift (I received 2 fake diamond ring since my wedding ring won’t fit), and I consider my Expedition another part of my gift. I want to do something nice, but nothing is striking either one of us.

Any suggestions?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The countdown

14 days to go.

My C-Section has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 27th. That is exactly 36 weeks. I am to remain on the anti-contraction medicine. If I go into labor early they won't stop me, but this should help me get 2 more weeks. NICU probably won't be necessary at that point. One ironic thing happened, my friend Kara is scheduled for her induction on the 27th if she doesn't have her baby girl before. She's having hers in Stillwater; otherwise we could keep each other company in the hospital (between naps, feeding, etc.).

My bassinet playpen came today. It's up and I'm working on getting Jackson to not throw things in it. He's doing very well; he even went and got a doll to put in it.

I went to the chiropractor yesterday and my hip is a lot better. I have another appointment tomorrow. I've never been to one before, but it was well worth it.

The chair I am recovering is looking great. I would post pictures, but we are having computer issues with the camera.

Monday, June 12, 2006


It’s Monday. Boy is it Monday. It’s not a bad day, I just feel a bit behind, nothing major. The kids have been back since Thursday, at about bedtime. Today is a day for attitude adjustment and a bit of training. Jackson is cutting teeth, has a head/chest cold and he’s throwing fits, I don’t feel like listening to it. Victoria is a know it all (since birth) and has been a bit on the bossy, whinny side. Both just need some adjustment. Today’s focus is on them being back with me, and since I am the hard-nosed disciplinarian, getting my control back. My friend Kara is going through the same thing. It doesn’t matter where you send them and if it’s for one night or several, it’s crazy how quickly they forget what they can, can’t, should and shouldn’t do.

My ultrasound Friday has Alex at 4lbs 3ozs and Owen at 3lbs 13ozs (that is 8lbs of baby). My doctor is back from vacation today and I have my first appointment with her back tomorrow morning. The specialist told me Friday at this point he wouldn’t do anything to stop labor; I may be off the anti-contraction medicine soon. Tomorrow I am officially 34 weeks and he still doesn’t want me to go past 36 weeks. We’ll see what my doctor says tomorrow.

Back to it feeling like Monday, the DSL isn’t working correctly, I called and it should be back up by 2, so I’ll post this then. Also at about 1-3am Saturday night/Sunday morning my hip decided it wanted to dislocate. I am waiting on a call to see if I am allowed to go to the chiropractor and have it put back in place. I’ve never been to a chiropractor before, but Mom’s chiropractor said he could make the adjustment even tough I’m very pregnant; we’ll see what my OB says. I just personally don’t like feeling like someone is stabbing me in the hip with an ice pick anymore.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Day 3

Is it really Wednesday already? Jonathan and the kids will be back tomorrow night. I’m keeping busy, watching movies you can’t watch with the kids around (Underworld, b/c Underworld Evolution came out on DVD yesterday), reading, going to the doctor, hospital and lab, and working on that stupid chair I started to recover in the fall (pictures of the chair before and stripped are in the photo album to the right). Pictures will follow when it is finished.

The chair has exploded in mom’s living room, I will say upholstery is much easier with 2 people, one of us pulls the fabric while the other staples; it works very well. It is also much easier with the kids gone, b/c they can’t get into the staples, pins, hammers or sewing stuff. The little we’ve done looks good.

Here is a quick update on baby watch 2006. I have another ultrasound on Friday, and I am still at a 2 and 50% (if you don’t know what this is don’t worry about it, I’m not going to explain it, so my description is vague), 2 ½ weeks after they put me on the anti-contraction meds. The contractions have started coming occasionally regardless of the meds since Sunday, but not enough to do too much. The current goal is to make it until at least Tuesday, June 13th that is 34 weeks. I was given steroid shots last week on Tuesday and Wednesday to boost their lung development, just in case they came. I have officially hit my limit; I lost 3 lbs in the last week. Apparently at 155lbs, my body decided it couldn’t take anymore and the kids began sucking the life out of me.

Staci and Rich...

...sitting in a tree...

This post has been stewing in my head for a few weeks.

I have a huge congratulation to send out to my friend Staci. Cinco de Mayo she got engaged to a very nice guy, Rich. I’ve known Staci since 9th grade. We’ve seen each other go through high school and teen angst, we lost touch in college and we reconnected about 2 years ago. Staci is strong, fun, smart and beautiful (her Halloween Party picture is in the October or November archives). It’s been interesting watching their relationship grow (okay, listening to it over the phone, I live 3 hours away). There is one thing I have noticed; instead of nervousness, apprehension and the game playing we have all been through in the dating realm at one time or another, they just fit. The growth of their relationship has been relaxed and natural for the most part. I am truly excited for them; it’s great to find your partner for life in a person others can see is not just your love, but your friend as well.

Congratulations Staci and Rich!

PS Thanks for asking me to be in the wedding, I feel totally honored and excited.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

On my own...kind of.

I'm still being babysat.

I apologize for the lack of posts. I haven’t been paying much attention to the news or anything else for that matter.

This week is going to be interesting. Jonathan took the kids. They will be staying with his parents during the day and they will all stay at our house each night, so Jonathan can see them each evening. I cried at the initial thought, I’m getting better with it now. My kids drive me nuts, but then again I think I may go nuts without them (isn’t it funny how that works). The more I think about this the more the kids and I need it. I love them and I already miss them so much.

To make it easier on me, I let Victoria make the decision. It was hard on her after she decided what to do. She cried quite a bit, and Jonathan let her have the cell phone and she called me every 5 minutes when they left. She’s with her Dad, Uncle David and their parents right now and she sounded giddy and happy. At least the kids won’t be as cooped up for the next few days.

Victoria is close to being a master bike rider. I’ll have to post a pic of her and her bike when she gets back. My compact flash card (which is only 32 MB) is about full and I don’t want to dump it to my obsolete laptop. I have a 1GB compact flash card that should arrive before Wednesday, and then I will have plenty of space to hold pictures until I get home.

Have a great week. I’ll try too.