Thursday, November 30, 2006
Blizzard?!?!? (updated)
Last night’s conversation
Victoria: “Have you and mom ever been in a blizzard?”
Jonathan: “No, we live in Oklahoma, we don’t really have blizzards.”
I just called him at work and he couldn’t believe it. I told him if he wasn’t certain he would finish today to pack up and come home. I’d rather him get home now and go in tomorrow, then have a wreck in the ¼ mile visibility and the underlying ice slick. We’ll see what he decides.
Little convincing of the husband is required when they decide to close the plant. When the shop guys aren't there the engineering guys get to go home too! YIPEE!
Daddy did you know?
Jeremy I hope it gives you a laugh.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Deep Freeze
It is currently 33 degrees and we are expecting a foot of snow. The high Thursday is supposed to be 29 with a low of 15.
Oklahoma has the screwiest weather.
Jonathan's heater in his car isn't working. He'll be taking my car to work tomorrow.
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Times of stress (that should be times of joy) like the holidays can heighten communication struggles.
I guess it’s safe to say we all have our issues. Maybe if we could communicate better with God, we could communicate better with each other.
Just a thought.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The Tumbleweed
I lived in Stillwater for about 6 years, and I only went to “The Weed” about 4 or 5 times. The last time was over 6 years ago. It wasn’t my idea of a good time, but to many Stillwater area residents it is THE thing to do on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. People loved and flocked to the Calf Fry (something I had no intention of trying), my cousin even called when she was coming up to a concert with Tone Loke.
I won’t miss “The Weed”, but I do wonder what that group of OSU students will do for fun, cow tipping perhaps.
Monday, November 27, 2006
You can't say I never gave you anything! ;)
5 recipes.
I should have been witty and come up with a 12 days of Christmas theme and given you 12 days worth totaling 78 recipes, but I’m not that dedicated at the moment (and I doubt I have that many recipes I use), maybe next year.
2 simple dinners (we can all use something quick this time of year)
The first I’ve posted about before, this is a Rachel Ray 30 minute meal (it takes me closer to 45 without a helper for me). The chicken lettuce wraps are a lot like the ones at Pei Wei and P. F. Chang’s. I even use it as a salad topping with no dressing instead of making wraps sometimes.
The second is too easy; it is a simple homemade Vegetable beef soup. This one requires no measuring and minimal prep. Just brown some ground beef (you choose the amount). Get a large pot and dump a can or 2 of Veg-All, a can or 2 of sliced new potatoes, a can of whole green beans, 3 beef bullion cubes and some seasoned salt and pepper. Add whatever amount of water you desire. Bring it to a boil; reduce it to a simmer for 15 minutes (or how ever long you feel, simmer longer and just keep checking the water level). This is good reheated and even my kids eat it. In one pan you have multiple veggies, meat, and starch, I love one pot meals and soup on cold days.
1 easy dessert
I made this pumpkin swirl cheesecake for a dinner at our youth minister’s house and it went well. I made it again for Thanksgiving. For Thanksgiving I cheated and didn’t swirl it. I made it strait up pumpkin; this was a nice change to the usual holiday desserts. The ginger snap crust is so good. If you’ve never made a cheesecake before the videos on the page were very helpful. I’d never used a spring form pan before either.
2 recipes for the price of 1
This is the recipe for the rolls I blogged about before. This is a super simple and delicious dough. It is knead free and takes about 10 minutes to mix up. The time is mostly in letting the stuff rise, but it is well worth it. I usually make a double batch and make one batch of cinnamon and one batch of dinner rolls. By doing this you have breakfast on the go and rolls for your holiday dinner or whenever you want. Both freeze and reheat very well. I’ve been known to freeze meal size quantities of dinner rolls, so we don’t eat them, and I just pull them from our deep freeze with our dinner meat when I need them.
Cinnamon/Dinner Roll Dough
1 cake of yeast
3 tbsp warm water
Dissolve yeast in water (to check yeast activation add a very small pinch of sugar and stir in, if it begins to bubble yeast is activated).
2 eggs beaten
½ c Crisco
1 tsp salt
½ c sugar
1 c warm water
Mix together well and add yeast. Gradually stir in 4 c of flour. Cover bowl with a dish towel, if used the same day allow to rise 2-3 hours (may be stored in the refrigerator over night).
Cinnamon Rolls
After rising, divide in half. Roll on floured counter into a rectangle with dough about ¼” thick. Melt a stick of butter or margarine and brush onto the dough all the way to the edges. In a container with a lid combine ½ c dark brown sugar, ½ c white sugar and ground cinnamon, shake until well mixed. Shake ½ of the mixture onto the dough (don’t apply to the last inch on the 1 of the long edges) spread evenly and smoothly with hand. Roll like a jellyroll from the long edge that has cinnamon. Cut into 1” rolls with dental floss or a piece of string. Place in a greased pan, but not too closely. Let rise 2 hours.
Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.
Glaze with ¼ c butter or margarine, ½ c of powdered sugar and 2 tsp milk. Soften butter at room temperature and use a fork to combine butter and powdered sugar, add milk and heat for about 30 seconds on medium in the microwave. Mix well and spoon over hot rolls.
Dinner Rolls
Divide into 4ths and roll into circles about ¼” thick. Brush with melted butter and cut into wedges. Roll from edge to point. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Let rise 2-3 hours.
Bake 6-10 minutes at 425 degrees. Time varies upon cookie sheet and oven and desired doneness.
I use airbake pans and a temp closer to 450 degrees for 10 minutes, on the lower middle rack.
I hope someone can use these for some holiday help.
Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 24, 2006
I can’t believe it was Thanksgiving Day that the test came up + last year. Looking back over the blog it’s amazing to see the changes in our life.
Last year we were still making 2 house payments and paying 2 sets of utilities. We thought we were only having 1 baby. We only had 1 car. We hadn’t found a church yet. I didn’t have a utility room (we are trimming ours now, I’ll post pics soon). Life was just so different.
Now we are a family of 6 with 2 cars and 1 house. We have a church home we love. Yep, lots to be thankful for, change this year has been good.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Blogger for Word
(Your birthday is more important I should have listed it first, we love you)
We are off to Kansas for dinner with Jonathan’s family.
Today in preparation I made a big pot of chili (not for Thanksgiving), 120 more rolls, and a pumpkin cheesecake.
I pray safe travel for you all and that you all have much to be thankful for. I know I do.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
It’s a football game. This emphasizes what I have said all along, OSU is more concerned about the OU game then OU is. OSU isn’t OU’s biggest rival and I think that tweeks them.
I’m with the kid who doesn’t want to pay $20 more for an OSU ticket then for an OU/Texas one. Heck, for $100 you can get an OU/Texas ticket and a tank of gas to get to Dallas and have a lot more to do. When I was a freshman at OSU (1997) a ticket to bedlam at Norman was $40. I personally wouldn’t spend $80-$100 bucks a ticket when I can watch the game on TV from the comfort of my living room.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Ready. Set. Cook!
I’ve missed my stove since we moved (it’s in the garage). It’s been a year and a half since I’ve used it. I bought it in Stockyard City in OKC at a place called Tyson’s. They referb old stoves. My friend Kara’s just went out and she went and bought an old Chambers as well (think Rachel Ray). She called raving about her cooking experience and I missed mine even more. I’m so ready to cook on a gas stove that I can actually adjust to a simmer and that doesn’t have oven temperature fluctuations between 100 degrees too hot and 50 degrees too cold.
Ducktales (Part 2)

Sunday, November 19, 2006
'What will your obituary say?' at |
'What will your obituary say?' at |
I'll miss Leaky too, Prince Charles I won't.
I like the second one better. Obviously I must stop laughing now. I know I have a warped sense of humor. I didn't know it would kill me.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
My Accent
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The West Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta. | |
The Midland | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
The Inland North | |
Philadelphia | |
The South | |
The Northeast | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
Addicted to rolls.
I will concede that my sister may make the best, but I think I love to make them the most.
Today I made 4 batches for a total of 128 rolls. I made 64 Saturday and took 30 to church and we ate the other 34 by Monday night. I’m going to have to freeze these so I have some next week for Thanksgiving.
Mmmm, dinner rolls –insert Homer Simpson drooling here-
Monday, November 13, 2006
They say...
It’s defiantly something I need more of today. Today’s lesson was retched. I understand the concept of ADHD, but to me after reading the symptoms I think MOST (not all) kids diagnosed with it aren’t, they are just being children. Children must be taught to control the urges of childhood. Today the urges reigned supreme.
Today we had serious focus issues. Focus issues make me cranky and then I push harder. When I push harder she can’t focus even more. It’s a vicious cycle.
I hope I can remain calmer and that our work progresses better tomorrow. These are the days I question why I homeschool (not for her, but for me). My life would be much more simple without it, but I think I can provide a really great education for her with plenty of varied socialization and activities.
Some days I just have to remember what a waste of time school was (for me) and how much I hated that I could cover everything I needed in half a day in high school. I just want her to be able to learn more and experience more. I want life to be her education; I want her to expand beyond the standard confines of walls, desks and curriculum. I don’t want her to conform to what school produces I want her to excel beyond that. I know she can and that I am responsible for helping her reach that height.
I just have to find my happy place before I ram her math book down her throat. –enter chanting- I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful. (repeat)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Just a reminder if you intend to vote, Tuesday is the big day.
If you don’t intend to vote, please ignore this message (I’d rather you not vote if you don’t care).
Have a great Tuesday!
I voted straight party today. I was well informed and knew what I was voting, no lingering over my ballot. State questions and judges, the whole nine yards. I was there and gone while many were having to sit and read theirs. I love being decisive and prepared.
I didn’t get an “I Voted” sticker, I was a bit bummed about that.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
All dressed up...(Updated)
Victoria is a Punk Rocker. She is also never allowed to wear make-up agian (she looks too old I can't handle it). I never thought my precious 6 year old would look good as a Goth. I made her guitar out of plywood.
UPDATE-For those wondering why I linked "Victoria is a Punk Rocker" to the Ramones site, the Ramones have a song called "Sheena is a Punk Rocker." Other days it would be because they have a song called "Beat on the Brat". Just Kidding! -insert singing-

Jackson when informed he finally got to wear his Red Mysitc Ranger costume (he picked it out) informed me he wanted to be a “punk rocket”.
They were ready to hit a total of 9 houses. We only went to houses of people we know. Traffic was slow to get candy here. We still have a ton of candy and we were giving out small handfuls. The kids had a blast handing out candy and seeing others costumes.
I wish I had gotten a pic of a group of high school students who came by. They were actually collecting canned goods for the Salvation Army (of course I gave them candy too). Their costumes were great and they asked Victoria to give them a concert and she sang in the entryway. It was a total hoot.
Cutie babies are now over 4 months old and about 9 ½ lbs each. Owen is in blue and Alex is in the white print. For Halloween they went as a mirror image. Ha. Ha.

Aren't they cheesy!