Thursday, December 28, 2006


I'm not sure if you use this site, but I do. I get stories a lot in my inbox that I just don't believe, so I check them out on Snopes. I received one from my husband about the Brazilian plane crash, and since they produce parts for Embraer the guys at work asked him to have me check it's validity. Why they couldn't I don't know, maybe they can't remember the site name, so it came to me to check.

When I received the e-mail snopes had no information regarding this e-mail on their site. I sent them an e-mail on the 6th of December with a copy of the e-mail and pictures and on the 8th of December there was a link to the story. I feel pretty cool. I got to submit a story to Snopes (I wasn't the only one, but I still feel cool).

If you ever get an e-mail, and you think can this possibly be true, check it out. It's definitely worth checking instead of sending on crazy or wrong info.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It's a big day!

It’s a big day in the Ritchie household.

1. Jonathan and I were married 8 years ago today.

On Sunday, December 27, 1998 I married my best friend. It amazes me that it’s been 8 years. We have 4 beautiful children and we have been through a lot. We have been poor (hungry at night poor) and in college. We entered the world of Jonathan being a professional. We have bought 2 houses and moved twice over the course of a year and a half. We have triumphed in the face of obstacles and we have rejoiced over even the smallest of victories. We have a lot more room to grow as adults, spouses and parents, and we are always able to talk about everything.

I have heard people say that they grew apart from their spouse, but Jonathan and I only seem to be getting closer. We are in tune with each other’s interests and passions and we love to share with each other. I couldn’t be more blessed. I’m not saying we don’t fight, but it’s so nice to know that I am married to a man who is as crazy about me as I am about him. It’s nice to know that we see our marriage from another side as well, the side that reminds us that love is more than an emotion it’s a daily commitment.

Jonathan thank you for all of the little things you do; like helping me cook, going to the store with me and even reading books with me. Thank you for the big things you do too; like putting in a utility room and helping de-ugly the house, helping me with the house work, understanding me and trying to keep me in check. You are the best. You are my rock.

2. The twins are 6 months old.

The boys are both around 13 lbs a piece. They are rolling and desperately want to stand and crawl. They are eating cereal and fruits and vegetables and a little bit of formula. Feeding the some other food has allowed my body to finally let go of more baby weight without any effort. I’ve lost about 8 lbs in the last 3 weeks. I'm still nursing so I will hold on to the last 10-15 lbs until done. I know I’m behind on picture postings and I need to update the photo album, but I need to find more time to sit at the computer to do it.

3. We all have a cold or some type of allergy that is messing up our sinuses.

We all have a lot of sinus pressure, scratchy/sore throats with that dry cough that sounds fake, we also have a bit of that medicine head feeling without the medicine.

My frustration with people who make meth came to a head yesterday when I couldn’t get a hold of any form of Sudafed for the kids without a bunch of other junk in it. I understand combo formulas are very popular, but if my kid doesn’t need everything I won’t give it to them. I went to more then one pharmacy in search of children’s Sudafed to go with the Claritin and Motrin I had already bought. I couldn’t get what I needed so I called several pharmacies here in town today and I’ve found it at one. Thank you meth makers for making it so much harder to buy medication for my children and myself. I bet I’ll be on a watch list for the amount of Sudafed I’ve bought lately.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Fun. Fun. Fun.

Yep, you got it I have the stomach thing now too. Mine is abdominal craps which makes for great discomfort nursing or anytime. My hour on the couch trying to nap (when Jackson wasn't in smacking my head) wasn't bad. Sleep made the stomach aggrivation stop. So far nothing major has been unleashed, my stomach is just very angry.

It's going around town and it's going around in Norman too, so chances are it's going around where you live. Keep your hands washed and I wish you the best.


I can officially say I’m finished decorating and I’m almost finished shopping. I need to take and post pictures. The tree is done, the stairs are done, I bought stockings and a tree skirt Saturday and we wrapped packages Friday. This has been a real experience for us.

I think I have Jackson convinced not to take the ornaments off the tree, finally. We only decorated the entryway. We are desperately trying to de-ugly the house and too much will get in the way of progress.

Dang, the mail just came and I got my first Christmas card. Now I have to find something to do with these! Okay, I thought I was done at least this isn’t much.

I’ll take and post pics soon. It turned out cool. I decorated the tree the lazy womans way. I stuck artificial poinsettia heads on the tree so we didn’t have as many ornaments to put on (the kids lost interest fast).

In other news illness has passed, Jonathan felt bad yesterday, but he’s okay today. At least when he's sick the mess hits the trashcan and toilet. I now have to finish the laundry and mop the living room and office (I love hardwood floors). I managed to take the chair cushion out of its cover and took Lysol to it and I upholstery cleaned the cover last night. The kids are still tired. I’m the only one left standing (not counting the babies), lets see if I can last.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Isn’t that a fun way to start a post?

The 2 older kids are sick and J refuses to use a trashcan or the toilet, which means frequent mop-ups and costume changes. Fun!

I hope Jon, the twins and I don’t get this

Monday, December 04, 2006

Could I be anymore stupid?

Yesterday afternoon we went sledding. Someone had made a great snow ramp. We all slid down the hill. We all took the ramp. We all sat at the emergency room, after I thought I broke my tailbone. I was there for 7 hours. It took me 5 to get into an exam room. It isn’t broken, but it is bruised very badly. I’m not even supposed to pick up the babies. My in-laws have been a huge help and stayed last night and they are here to help me today.

Well, you know what they say…it’s all fun and games until someone looses an eye (or bruises their tailbone).

Yes, I cried like a baby-thankfully my family were the only people there at the moment.