DHS would have taken it away for neglect.
Life around here is wild. I honestly know that I need to get back on the
FLY Wagon. I need to prioritize how I accomplish things. I'm amazed at how far behind I have become. I'm frustrated and seeking peace, but calm is no where in sight. Life isn't bad, just full.
June began with V having tennis lessons at the Country Club. She followed that up with a week at Grandma's, her 8
th birthday (yes you read that right, my baby is 8), her 8
th birthday party and now church camp. Her mini golf party was changed to a bowling party, b/c of rain (that didn't come). She got a
Wii, and is kicking my butt at bowling. She's been spoiled by my mom and my sisters and is driving me crazy (that's not new). She's flown the nest twice this month.
I'm not sure where the time has gone, but I'd like to know. How can this child that evokes such a broad range of strong emotions in me be so much the same and so different from the day she was born? When J was in college he would sit cross legged on the floor and she would sleep in his lap while he leaned over her doing his school work. She lived a college students life under the age of 2.
Wal-Mart trips in the middle of the night, sleeping in university buildings while dad worked on projects, and sleeping the weird schedule of somewhere in the middle of the night until noon. Now she's tall (to me short to a lot her age), skinny, beautiful (that she has always been) and very emotional. I fear for the encroaching teenage years. Where has my baby gone and how did she get replaced by this young lady?

This picture was taken in March, she looks totally different now.
Jackson may be the death of me. I've called poison control twice in the last week. Once for drinking Benedryl, the other for eating chewable Tylenol. I left the Benedryl in the cabinet. That is my fault. The Tylenol, he climbed for. He cut a power supply this week (while it was plugged in). I received the technical description of, "It sparked and went boom." I've busted him lighting matches (thankfully it was just to blow them out). I've had to go as far as keep him strapped to me and I've had to confine him to his room for a few hours.
The babies turn 2 Friday. Ya, you don't have to tell me, they can't be that old. That's been my thought, but I'm wrong, they can be. We moved them to a bed this week. The transition has been good. This is really late for us to change from a crib to a twin bed (the others were moved to twin beds at 18 months). They are more like little men every day. They speak more, but usually to each other in twin talk (their own language) every once in a while I pick up a work or two, but that's it.
I know long in the past I mentioned the blackberries. Well, the crop is ripe and I start working at the Farmer's market Saturday morning. Last night was the 1st market where we have sold and they sold 55 quarts. Every single bit of blackberry ripe in the field.
I hope this finds you all well, have a great week.