Monday, January 30, 2006

The Pet Tax

Okay, I understand registering your pet with the city and everything, but B’ville has gone too far. As of tomorrow anyone with a dog, cat of ferret must register his or her pet with the city. Now that sounds fair enough, except the registration fee is $10 a year. I’ve heard of cities charging $3 for this before, but $10 a year? That is too much. Also, if you have a pet that you register with the city that is over 6 months old and isn’t spayed or neutered you have to pay the city $20 a year for the privilege of leaving your animal intact. I understand this will help control the animal population, but this seems a bit much. If you neglect to follow the city ordinance you will be fined $200, I assume that is per animal, but I’m not sure.

When we lived in OKC there was a major stray dog and cat problem, but here I have seen only 1 dog out in 6 months that wasn’t on a leash. Heck I’ve only seen 1 cat since we moved here. I understand that they must have their reasons, but this seems a bit excessive.

Murphy, aka tall, dark and stupid (come on he's a chocolate lab) had better keep his butt in the fence, I don't want to shell out anymore cash for him then I have to, I'm glad he's neutered.


Sara said...

I have a chain link fence, so you think they'd ticket me? I've been debating skipping it.

Sara said...

correction, do you think...

Anonymous said...

We have a city tag here for $10/year. I guess since I am on the "other side" I can see it's need. If you animal gets loose they know where to bring him back and you don't get fined here. The pay more b/c its not fixed I have a problem with.