Victoria is a Punk Rocker. She is also never allowed to wear make-up agian (she looks too old I can't handle it). I never thought my precious 6 year old would look good as a Goth. I made her guitar out of plywood.
UPDATE-For those wondering why I linked "Victoria is a Punk Rocker" to the Ramones site, the Ramones have a song called "Sheena is a Punk Rocker." Other days it would be because they have a song called "Beat on the Brat". Just Kidding! -insert singing-
Jackson when informed he finally got to wear his Red Mysitc Ranger costume (he picked it out) informed me he wanted to be a “punk rocket”.
They were ready to hit a total of 9 houses. We only went to houses of people we know. Traffic was slow to get candy here. We still have a ton of candy and we were giving out small handfuls. The kids had a blast handing out candy and seeing others costumes.
I wish I had gotten a pic of a group of high school students who came by. They were actually collecting canned goods for the Salvation Army (of course I gave them candy too). Their costumes were great and they asked Victoria to give them a concert and she sang in the entryway. It was a total hoot.
Cutie babies are now over 4 months old and about 9 ½ lbs each. Owen is in blue and Alex is in the white print. For Halloween they went as a mirror image. Ha. Ha.
Aren't they cheesy!
cool kids!
The costumes are GREAT!! Victoria looks so grown up with makeup on, wow!! Jackson looks cool in his costume too. Owen & Alex are getting so big & look like they are getting little personalities. We would love to see you guys if you are around Tulsa Dec 27th - Jan 2nd. Faith & I will be visiting DeEtta in Bixby.
Your kids are great! Yes, you're right, Victoria looks way too old to be that cute little kid we played with at FOCUS just a few years ago. No way. You must've hidden the real Victoria somewhere. I guess Jack could go as a punk rocket next year. That might be fun to make. An engine, fins, and fish net stockings on his boosters. Owen and Alex look like Jon in these pictures!! They are very cute.
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