Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I love(d) to blog. Lately I just don't care. I used to check my "blogs" multiple times a day, I used to blog several times a day. Checking now occurs every couple of day and I only lurk, as you can tell my writing is much less frequent also. My time thinking up things to say is filled with dissatisfaction. Basically I'm just not going to do this much, until I feel I have something to say.

My processing of information and formulation of anything witty or of note is nonexistent lately. My current distaste for my own ramblings has slowed my computer time and I have been accomplishing more with my family particularly with V's school and our plans for next year. I guess that a good thing.

I will still be around, but until I feel I have something funny, thought provoking or important to say I think my time here at GFaW will mainly be updates of my family.

As an aside, I weened the twins Friday. I am in a little bit of pain still, but I should be good by Thursday or Friday. I am also enrolled in 3 hours for the summer and 6 hours for the fall online through Oklahoma City Community College. Taking my courses by distance education through them cost me 1/2 of the state university here in town. I can get 9 classes I need much cheaper.

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