Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Name Game (the final round?)

Owen and Alex have been our preliminary choices for the boys. Last night I came up with middle names Jonathan approved of. He even has labeled A and B by name now.

Your thoughts:

Baby A: “Alex” Alexander Sloan Ritchie (ASR)

Baby B: Owen Banks Ritchie (OBR)

Alexander is the only name that isn’t family related in some way.

Alexander-Greek-Helper and Defender of Mankind
Owen-Celtic-Young Warrior
Banks-None found

By meanings we sound like a battling bunch.

I’m not able to find a way to make fun of these yet, but then again children are better at that then I am.


Banks as a surname means, someone who lives by a riverbank (go figure), or Irish for corpulent (well is guess you can make fun of that). Can't you see the conversation- "So what does Banks mean?" "Slightly overweight." Charming, I think I'll stick with the riverbank meaning.

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