…11 years ago today? Do you remember? I was in 10th grade biology outside doing some random experiment. Why do I remember? The next class period I was sent to pick something up for my teacher and I heard before the rest of my school (from a friend who was an office aid I ran into in the hall) that the Murrah Federal Building in OKC had been bombed. My sister had been working on her masters project just down the street that same day (every week) for weeks (she wasn’t there that day), my dad used to live in the apartment complex down the street that was damaged by the blast and my other sister had also been employed near by the year before (she had since changed jobs and locations). I know people who lost parents in the blast. I consider it a day of innocence lost.
I don’t have cable, so I’ve seen no news today, but it seems that Oklahoma is the only one remembering today. Msn.com has nothing; the yahoo home page has nothing. I’ve only seen information of this tragedy on the Daily Oklahoman site.
No, I don’t want to dwell on it; I would just like to see a little bit of acknowledgment. We can’t forget events of the past (this or 9/11); otherwise we set ourselves up for additional heartache in the future. It’s amazing to think it’s been 11 years (how things have changed from 16 to 27). I will always remember.
Correction the OKC bombing is on the msn.com web page. It's at the very bottom right under suggested searches. Still no info unless you choose to search it and minimal acknowledgment.
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