Tuesday, April 13, 2010


2 permanent lateral incisors.  If found please call.  V would like them back.

Okay, so apparently she never had them to begin with.

We went to the orthodontist this afternoon and V is missing both lateral incisors.  She comes by it naturally.  I'm missing the one on the right and one of mom's cousins and one of her aunt's were also missing one.

I have a bridge after 2 1/2 years in braces as an adult.  JR looked like a pedophile when we got married and had V.  I looked 12 even though I was 20 and older.

We go back to the orthodontist in 6 months for another check.

yippee...yes the lower case is indicative of my excitement.

1 comment:

Carina said...

Ah yes, the braces. Fun memories. You did look very young!

Hope Owen didn't break his cute little nose!