Sunday, October 21, 2007

Production Week

Well, I will apologize for lack of posts and responses to e-mails. Life should be back to normal shortly. Our musical runs 2 shows. One Saturday at 7pm and one Sunday at 3pm. Wish us luck...oh, wait tell us to break a leg. lol

We had our first rehearsal on stage tonight. We have been practicing on the 9th floor of the state college here in town. Today we had our first tech rehearsal (setting the lights, BIG props, etc.). What will take less then 3 hours for the show, that has taken slightly longer then 3 hours in rehearsal took 5 1/4 hours (3 to 8:15). I thought I would be home before J and the kids got home from church, but I was about 45 minutes behind them. I had planned on making dinner and having it ready for them. I felt terrible about that.

I will try to post pics and maybe some blackmail worthy rehearsal video from my new camera.

Thankfully the choreographer will be back tomorrow night (she was gone ALL of last week), so my dance captain duties are over. I must have faked it well to make dance captain, b/c I am not a dancer.

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