Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The New England Primer and Teachers Unions

Terry in response to what you said about teachers unions, I totally understand and agree. That is the reason my father-in-law "retired" from teaching. He wouldn't join the union and his contract wasn't renewed, I think about 11 years ago. He's the kind of teacher you would love to have, full of knowledgeable, fun, funny, and interesting. My husband has been blessed with some of his gifts and can explain anything, so anyone can understand it. That helps when I can't.

As for curriculum it may not be the New England Primer and it's just for English, but Victoria's current English book is from around 1900. It's called Primary Language Lessons. I've been more impressed with the selections that come from my curriculum provider, then any others I've looked at. It uses a lot of real books and some of them are pretty old. It's good stuff.


Anonymous said...

Your curriculum provider looks like a pretty decent source. I'm glad there are sources out there for home schooling.

We have been watching a video series from Focus on the Family entitled "The Truth Project". It is an excellent series about Christianity and what we must be aware of that is counter to our beliefs. It was in that series that the instructor stated that he knew a college professor who gave excerpts or something to his students and they complained that The New England Primer was hard.

That is sad commentary considering that the Primer was used to teach reading to very young children.

Anyway, hang in there.....although I should warn you that raising kids through the teenage years is close to a living h*ll.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Sara.

Here is a link you ought to check out. I wonder if homeschoolers find themselves having to "suspend" their students over similar incidents in their "school"?



(Sorry, couldn't resist.)