Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm not the most thrifty...

...in the visiting thrift store sense.

First I dislike shopping with every fiber of my being.  I don't like hunting and not finding what I want in a department store, let alone a thrift store.  I'm also a cheapskate.  I'm okay with that too.

By chance we ended up at a Goodwill with JR's sis and mom, earlier this month.  I still have 16 lbs to lose and my kids have plenty of clothes, so I started looking for clothes for Jonathan.  I've been wanting to buy him a sport coat (with elbow patches), but they are ridiculous expensive.  By chance I found 2 his size (without elbow patches).  We bought both, one for $13 and one for $6.50.  One was from Bachrach.  Both were wool and silk.

JR really needed a new pair of chocolate colored slacks and I knew they would look good with one coat.  I picked up a pair on sale at JCPenney online and while I was at it I bought him a total impulse purchase.  A fedora that was also on sale.

I'm such a geek.  I was totally born at the wrong time.

1 comment:

Carina said...

We've been looking and looking for a good fedora for Art. We're going more for the Archie Goodwin look than the Indy look, though. Any recommendations?